Excavations at Good Hope Shelter, Underberg District, Natal


  • J.H.C. Cable University of Cambridge
  • K. Scott
  • P. L. Carter University of Cambridge


The material from the site of good Hope, excavated in 1971 and with dates of 2160 and 7670 b.p., is described. The site is discussed in relation to other published Late Stone Age sites from Natal and a possible explanation for observed inter-site variability is proposed.

To cite this article: Cable, J.H.C., Scott, K. & Carter, P.L. 1980. Excavations at Good Hope Shelter, Underberg District, Natal. Annals of the Natal Museum 24(1): 1-34.



How to Cite

Cable, J., Scott, K., & Carter, P. L. (2021). Excavations at Good Hope Shelter, Underberg District, Natal. Southern African Humanities, 24(1), 1–34. Retrieved from https://sahumanities.org/index.php/sah/article/view/50